Tea Cup Face | Original Art | Shhh Faces Painting
Tea Cup Face | Original Art | Shhh Faces Painting
©2019 From the Shhh: an honest look at silenced voices series.
Size (h w d): 14 x 11 in
Medium: Flashe paint and paper collage on wood cradled panel
Subject Matter: Contemporary Abstract Portrait
Creation Date: February 18, 2019
In this series I combine faces or characters, household objects that are seen or implied, and flat areas of color juxtaposed with repeat painted patterns over collage. The deliberate creation of detailed patterns represents repetitive labor that goes under-appreciated and often unpaid and harks to the handy work of women. The collage grids that create the base surface for the art represent social norms and on each painting the grid is broken in areas suggesting room for new ideas and social structures. My initial inspiration for this body of work came from the insides of security envelopes—a product that is designed as protection for the contents within and actuality obliterates meaning and message, saying nothing (until ripped open).
Copyrighted © by Suzanne Gibbs.
Dear Art Collector, I am sure you’ll love your art! However, in case you are not 100% satisfied, here is my guarantee: Once you receive your art please enjoy the work in your home or office. If for any reason the art is not working in your space, you have the option of exchanging or returning the work in its original packaging within 10 days. You may choose other available art as a replacement or request a refund on the purchase price. My goal is 100% satisfied art collectors, nothing else is enough. –Suzanne Gibbs