word of the year

Each year I pick a word of the year as a beam for hope or a guide to goals.

This year I had so much trouble picking a word! So much muck in the brain! No idea why. So, while this blog post would have normally been written and posted in January, instead I share it now.

Let's go back and take a look at previous years.

2018 was All In (I got really serious about my art biz, especially finances and reaching out to collectors)

Suzanne Gibbs postcard design from 2018 with a muted colors watercolor painting in a grid.

2019 was On Track (I worked through what worked and what did not work and the seeds for a new project took hold)

Picture of Suzanne Gibbs in her studio with collage work on her studio table.

2020 was Blaze (I launched the Shhh: an honest look at silenced voices. A series of paintings and book project too!)

Suzanne Gibbs painting. An abstracted face in orange, pink and blue.

2021 was Pivot (I did some 180's to let go of stuff that made work too hard and began exploring dots. Because dots make me smile! I painted and am painting a lot of dot paintings.)

Suzanne Gibbs painting. Multi-colored dots on a deep orange background.

2022 was Fit + Fun (I focused much more on my personal health than on my art biz. I also moved closer to my family and friends in the Pacific Northwest.)

Suzanne Gibbs and her dog Zoie, a labradoodle at a park on a park bench drawing in a sketchbook.

So now what? What shall I pick for 2023?

Here are some Word(s) of the Year 2023 contenders: powerful, force, creative or creative edge, visionary, resilient, share, generosity, quixotic, finding joy, tend, clarity, courage, connection, simplicity, authenticity, and pause.

And after deciding that none of those feel like a good fit I am going with:


For me 2023 will be full of enthusiasm, peace of mind, and grace. I plan to eagerly accept and embrace my life and all the opportunities that lie ahead. 

How about you? Do you choose a word of the year? If so, please share, if not why not? How about if a year feels too long what would your word of the month be?

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